Python module

The aubio extension for Python is available for Python 2.7 and Python 3.

Installing aubio with pip

aubio can now be installed using pip:

$ pip install aubio

Building the module

From aubio source directory, run the following:

$ ./ clean
$ ./ build
$ sudo ./ install

Using aubio in python

Once you have python-aubio installed, you should be able to run python -c "import aubio; print(aubio.version)".

A simple example

Here is a simple script that reads all the samples from a media file:

#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys, aubio

samplerate = 0  # use original source samplerate
hop_size = 256 # number of frames to read in one block
s = aubio.source(sys.argv[1], samplerate, hop_size)
total_frames = 0

while True: # reading loop
    samples, read = s()
    total_frames += read
    if read < hop_size: break # end of file reached

fmt_string = "read {:d} frames at {:d}Hz from {:s}"
print (fmt_string.format(total_frames, s.samplerate, sys.argv[1]))

Filtering an input sound file

Here is a more complete example, This files executes the following:

  • read an input media file (aubio.source)
  • filter it using an A-weighting filter (aubio.digital_filter)
  • write result to a new file (aubio.sink)
#! /usr/bin/env python

def apply_filter(path):
    from aubio import source, sink, digital_filter
    from os.path import basename, splitext

    # open input file, get its samplerate
    s = source(path)
    samplerate = s.samplerate

    # create an A-weighting filter
    f = digital_filter(7)
    # alternatively, apply another filter

    # create output file
    o = sink("filtered_" + splitext(basename(path))[0] + ".wav", samplerate)

    total_frames = 0
    while True:
        samples, read = s()
        filtered_samples = f(samples)
        o(filtered_samples, read)
        total_frames += read
        if read < s.hop_size: break

    duration = total_frames / float(samplerate)
    print ("read {:s}".format(s.uri))
    print ("applied A-weighting filtered ({:d} Hz)".format(samplerate))
    print ("wrote {:s} ({:.2f} s)".format(o.uri, duration))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    for f in sys.argv[1:]:

More demos

Check out the python demos folder for more examples.

Python tests

A number of python tests are provided. To run them, use python/tests/run_all_tests.